Sunday, June 23, 2013

A New Hobby Deserves Its Own Blog

The title of this post may be misleading.  I've been sewing most of my life.  In fact, I've often told the story that in my childhood my mother told my sister and I that if we didn't sew our own clothes that summer we would have to go naked.  I don't remember if this is true or one of my Tall Texas Tales, but I wouldn't put it past my mother. She was a determined woman, and hell-bent on her daughters learning how to sew and cook.  Now that we've grown up, I love to sew and despise cooking, and my sister loves to cook and despises sewing.  You can't win them all mother!

The new hobby I've taken up is quilting!  I started in December 2012 and I'm just loving it.  It involves everything I love about sewing; selecting the pattern, looking all the pretty fabric, matching them up, and cutting it out to the finished product.  But, there is none of the negative aspects you when sewing clothing, like finding out the pattern doesn't fit you because because you've gained a few inches between buying the pattern and getting around to sewing it, or because the crotch looks weird and you're too embarrassed to wear it out in front of people.  Been there done that!

When I got into quilting I told my husband that it would be a great way to get rid of all the fabric I have in my house.  Ha, ha, ha!  How many of you are laughing as you read that.  I know the ladies at my local quilt shop are.  They know me by my first name, and if I'm skip a week coming in they ask me if I was out of town.  Yep, the new hobby has just enabled me further, and I'm officially a fabric hoarder.

I've gone so far as to tell my husband that I'm designing our next house around The Craft Room *insert angelic chorus here* and that it would be the largest room the house. He mistakenly thought it should be The Man Cave.  I've already got the furniture for The Craft Room *angelic chorus* picked out, and the rest of the rooms will just have to fit around it.  I also informed the DH that he may need a 2nd job while he was at it.  His only response was that he could have me committed to the funny farm with one phone call.  One of our good friends is a doctor with a wicked sense of humor who would actually do it, so I stopped pushing my luck before it backfired on me.

Just a little more information about me.  Some of you may know me from my previous blog: The Dropped Thread.  I moved several of my older post from there to here quilting and sewing for the purposes of consistent archiving, and left the cross-stitching posts.  So, if your interests are cross-stitching and needlepoint, etc., all of that will stay at The Dropped Thread.  Cowboy Quilting will be primarily about sewing.  There may be some crossover with a sew a pillow or Christmas stocking or ornament for something a cross-stitched.

I will also be moving my quest to make 52 carriers in 2013 over to this blog.  I'm WAY behind on that resolution so better get busy.


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