Thursday, July 14, 2016

I'm baaack!

So, it's July 2016 and I'm finally posting an update. Since I don't have any followers on this blog I guess no one has missed me. Hmm. What has happened while I've been gone? Well since no one asked, I'll tell you. I had 2 discs fused on my neck which is why I couldn't sew, stitch or hardly type. The relief was almost immediate, but I had other complications that got worked out with physical therapy. I did start sewing again, but slowly. Now that the pain in my neck is gone, my body is noticing how much my lower back is hurting. I need the same surgery there, so it is almost impossible to lean over a cutting table right now. Or even clean my house (not to worry -- my friends have teenagers that I pay dirt cheap wages to clean because they don't know any better).

Of course nothing - not even not being able to hardly walk has kept me from attending the International Quilt Festival each year. Last year I got to work part-time for Quilts, Inc. the company that runs the festival, as a proofreader and data entry specialist. I typed all those little title plaques and description pages at the show. Well, I wasn't the only one. But it was fun seeing all the exhibition quilts before the show. So beautiful!

50th birthday celebration with friends at Pinot's Palette in Sugar Land, TX. I'm the blond one the back row.
I turned 50!!! It was a bad week for most of my friends so only a few of us were able to get together to paint, but we had a blast. I chose a Monet for us to paint. I would definitely do it again.